How it was

15-16 November 2014, BioVitrum organized and held a conference with international participation “Modern approaches in quality control in Pathology laboratory” on the basis of the Moscow City Clinical Hospital N31.

The main topics of the conference were standardization and automation of the laboratory process, issues of quality control in pathomorphology, as well as the formation of new standards in the professional education of pathologists. This event brought together more than 150 specialists in pathoanatomy from 6 federal districts of Russia.

The uniqueness of this conference was that for the first time in Russia, international experts from leading associations for quality control in morphology took part.


Dr. Philip Branton, Chairman of the CAP (College of American Pathologists — the main professional association of specialists in the field of Pathological Anatomy in the United States of America) Committee on Pathological Anatomy and Histological Technique.


Dr. Philip Branton presented:
– “Improving the quality and safety for patients in the framework of a pathoanatomic diagnosis.”
– “CAP certification and review of the laboratory accreditation process”


Dr. Jean Klos, member of the Nordic core group and expert of the quality control organization. Dr. Joan Klos is the Chief Consultant and Head of the Immunohistochemical Department of Pathological Anatomy Faculty at the University Clinic in Stavanger, Norway.



Dr. Jean Klos presented: “NORDIQC – immunohistochemical control Nordic”.


William De Salvo is the chairman of the Quality Management Committee of the National Association of Histotechnicians of the USA, an international specialist in the management of the pathology department according to the Lean Six Sigma system. William has extensive experience in developing and implementing the process of continuously improving the efficiency of the pathology department by reducing errors, improving quality and increasing laboratory productivity.


William De Salvo presented: “Practical experience of implementing the requirements of the CAP, NSH standards into the work of the pathology laboratory”.

The conference program included presentations by leading Russian specialists:

  • Mikhaleva L.M. – Chief specialist pathologist of the Moscow Department of Health, opened the conference and made a report “Optimization of the pathoanatomic service”;
  • Frank G.A. – Chief specialist Pathologist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation – “Organization of immunohistochemical and molecular genetic studies in pathology departments of the Russian Federation”;
  • Kaktursky L.V. – Chairman of the Russian Society of Pathologists — “Certification of pathology departments. Quality control of the pathology service”;
  • Matsionis A.E.  – Chief freelance specialist-expert of Roszdravnadzor — “Quality control in oncohematological studies”;
  • Rybakova M.G. – Chief specialist pathologist of the Health Committee of the Government of St. Petersburg — “Quality control in pathoanatomic work in St. Petersburg”;
  • Kazantseva I.A. – Head of the Department of pathological anatomy of MONICA — “The most important issues in the lifetime diagnosis of Moscow and the Moscow region”;
  • Vorobyev S.L. – Head of pathology department of St.Petersburg Clinical Complex of FSBI, “Telemedicine – Telepathology. Yesterday – Today… Tools for telepathology”
  • Zavalishina L.E., Professor of the Department of Pathological Anatomy of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, “Review of the organization of quality control in immunohistochemistry”
  • Savelov N.A., Grinevich V.N. (PhD) – “Assessment of the quality of immunohistochemical determination of the receptor status of breast cancer. Experience of participation in the UK NEQAS quality control program.”.
  • Kudaibergenova A.G., (Candidate of Medical Sciences) Pathologist of the FSBI “RSCRST”, St. Petersburg – “Assessment of the quality of immunohistochemical diagnosis of breast cancer”.
  • Lischuk S.V., Head of the EMC Histological Laboratory – “Experience in implementing CAP and NordiQC standards”

As part of the scientific program of the event, a round table on Telepathology was held, during which Russian and foreign participants were able to talk about their experiences and exchange opinions.

During the conference BioVitrum company presented its innovative developments for the first time

  • – the first Russian portal for pathologists – allows you to store your own digital archive of histological preparations and lecture material with a high degree of data protection, accessing from any device with Internet access, which makes it possible to consult and discuss clinical cases from anywhere in the world
  • HistoViewer – is a hardware and software complex that allows you to view and analyze scanned histological material in high resolution on a large touch screen
  • A new line of Premium histological dyes of own production. All products are certified and undergo strict quality control in our own laboratory
  • ePath – is a multi-user digital station for macroscopic examination of sectional and operational material


The conference was held with the support of the Moscow Department of Health, the Research Institute of Human Morphology of the Moscow Academy of Medical Sciences and the company “BioVitrum”.